Science &Technology

28 February: National Science Day

Raina Rahul Agarwal 18 Feb, 2022 Science &Technology No Comments
National Science Day

“Science is the acquisition and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world by following a systematic approach based on evidence. It is a systematic, practical and logical approach to discover new things in the universe.” Do you know who was the…Read more

China’s New Experiment Artificial Sun

Raina Rahul Agarwal 9 Jan, 2022 Science &Technology No Comments
China;s Artificial Sun

What Is China’s “Artificial Sun”? China successfully completed the first test of nuclear fusion reactor known as the “Artificial Sun”, because it copies the process of generating solar energy. Nuclear fusion is a promising technology. It can produce a large amount of clean energy with…Read more

Genome Sequencing: Why Is It Important?

Raina Rahul Agarwal 5 Dec, 2021 Science &Technology 2 Comments

What Is Genome Sequencing The laboratory method is used to determine the complete makeup of a particular organism or cell type. This method can be used to detect changes in parts of the genome. These changes could help scientists understand how specific diseases, such as…Read more