TAG: Heart Attack

Effect Of Alcohol On Human Body

Raina Rahul Agarwal 28 Mar, 2023 Health & Fitness No Comments

Introduction Alcohol can affect the human body in many ways. It depends on the consumption of alcohol by a human. If a men or women take one drink every day then it’s ok. If they take too much alcohol it may lead to originate several…Read more

Air Pollution: Impact On Respiratory Disease

Raina Rahul Agarwal 24 Feb, 2023 Health & Fitness No Comments
Air Pollution

Introduction Air pollution has been a global health threat because millions of deaths occur due to air pollution every year. According to WHO in 2016 4.2 million deaths occurred due to air pollution. Air pollution is emerging as a critical concern in human health because…Read more

Heart Attack: Symptoms & Risk Factors

Raina Rahul Agarwal 11 Sep, 2022 Disease 2 Comments
Heart Attack

Introduction A heart Attack is a myocardial infarction, “Myo” means muscles, “cardial” means heart, and “infarction” means the death of tissue because of a lack of blood supply. It is a common disease in many countries. A heart attack happens every 40 seconds according to…Read more

Hypercholesterolemia: Symptoms & Causes

Raina Rahul Agarwal 3 Jul, 2022 Health & Fitness 1 Comment

What Is Hypercholesterolemia Hypercholesterolemia is a term used for high cholesterol levels in the blood. It is supposed to be a cause for concern as it increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. It is a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, it also…Read more