Diabetes is rapidly increasing among people and has been dangerous for developing cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients. An important factor between Diabetes and cardiovascular disease is” Diabetes Dyslipidemia”. Diabetes Dyslipidemia is the major risk factor for cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients. In diabetic dyslipidemia concentration of triglycerides and LDL (Bad Cholesterol) is high and the concentration of HDL (Good Cholesterol) is low.
What Is Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease (that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting). It is a health condition in the human body that turns food into energy. When our body takes food it converts it into sugar (glucose) and releases it into our bloodstream. When the blood sugar level rises then it provides a signal to the pancreas for releasing insulin. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and when our body does not utilize insulin effectively. “Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels in the human body. It is a hormone that produces by the special cell in the pancreas called islets. It acts as a key that let the blood sugar into the body’s cells for use of energy.”
In 2014 there were aged 18 who were suffering from diabetes. In 2019 about 1.5 million of the population died due to diabetes. Approx 4,60,000 deaths were of kidney disease patients that were caused by diabetes, because when our body does not make sufficient insulin then too much blood sugar remains in the body and it leads to serious problems like heart disease, kidney disease and vision problems.
Type Of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes:
Previously it was called with the name of Juvenile diabetes and has also been known as insulin-dependent or childhood onset. Scientist says it is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction because the body attacks itself by mistake. In this reaction, our body stops producing insulin. However, it develops in all age groups of people but usually develops in children and teenagers. Approx 5-10% of people have Type 1 diabetes. Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are Polyuria ( Excretion of urine), Polydipsia (Thirst), constant hunger, weight loss, vision changes and fatigue that suddenly occur.
Type 2 Diabetes:
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the human body does not use insulin well to normalise the level of blood glucose. About 90-95 % of people have Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be improved with a healthy lifestyle:
- Loose body weight
- Eating healthy food
- Being active
Gestational Diabetes:
This type of diabetes develops in a pregnant woman who has never had diabetes. It occurs when the blood glucose level goes up above the normal level. It increases the risk of complications during pregnancy and at the time of delivery. It increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in pregnant women and their babies in future.
Relationship With High Cholesterol:
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in human blood. A person who has diabetes put them at a higher risk of high cholesterol. We all know that cholesterol is bd substance and harmful t human health but it contributes to its role in making the outer layer of the cells. Cholesterol helps to make certain vitamins and hormones. But consumption of too much cholesterol is injurious to our health.
Types of Cholesterol:
There are different types of cholesterol:
- Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) or Bad Cholesterol- e.g. Animal Fat such as butter ghee, meat, Eggs yolk.
- High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or Good Cholesterol- e.g. Olive Oil, Beans, Almonds, Walnut, Cocoa and dark chocolate etc.
- Triglycerides- e.g. Candy, canned foods, Jelly, Jams, Smoothie, Juices, Honey, Sucrose etc.
If a person with type 2 diabetes has blood sugar under control, then their cholesterol level might be worse by a high level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, in that case, they might have a low level of HDL (Good cholesterol). This condition is known as Diabetic dyslipidemia. The meaning of Diabetic Dyslipidemia is that the lipid profile in human beings going in the wrong direction. This condition puts a patient at risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

People with type 1 diabetes and who have blood sugar under control might have a low LDL or Bad cholesterol level if they are not overweight.
People who have diabetes may suffer from heart disease as well because particles of LDL (Bad cholesterol) in a diabetic patient are smaller and denser and they are easily accumulated in the heart vessels leading to the formation of plaque in the blood vessels. This plaque formation results in heart diseases like heart attack and heart stroke etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Que: What is Hyperglycemia?
Ans: Hyperglycemia occurs when there is too much sugar level in the blood. This high blood sugar mainly occurs when there is not enough insulin. The reading of hyperglycemia is 7.8 mmol/litre.
Que: What is High-Density Lipoprotein?
Ans: It is also known as Good cholesterol and reduces the chances of heart disease and stroke. It absorbs cholesterol in the blood and transfers it to the liver.
Que: What is Low-Density Lipoprotein?
Ans: It is also known as Bad Cholesterol and makes up most cholesterol in the body. High level of Bad cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease by forming plaque in the arteries.
Que: What are Triglycerides?
Ans: It is a type of fat that the body uses for energy. A high level of triglycerides and LDL with a low level of HDL leads to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.
It is important to treat If a person has both problems with diabetes and high cholesterol level. It can be reduced by a healthy diet, exercise, medication and regulation of blood glucose. In spite of these people should quit smoking, and monitor their blood sugar levels and blood pressure. They should eliminate alcohol as well. To reduce heart disease it is necessary to control the cholesterol level of the body.
Disclaimer: All the content of this article is for information purposes only.
Good discription
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